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Identity is topic that I will never be able to exhaust. Often, we talk about knowing ourselves and discovering who we are. We often miss the topic of self-discovery through others. We can look in the mirror all day to self-deprecate or become narcissistic. We can look and call ourselves anything, with no one and nothing to challenge. I believe it’s even more important to stare into the eyes of another human, soul to soul, to let someone else call you into knowing.

The trade for more risk, is more reward. Risk brings you to trust someone other than yourself. The mirror doesn’t usually talk back, you become who you say you are both the good and the unhealthy. I believe there are aspects within every human that can only be called out by another human. Those who choose to marry know this better then most. Its never just one decision but a lifetime of commitment of trust that we all should make. Weather through marriage, relationships, or friendships, we need people in our lives.

The reward far outweighs the risk. This is much easier said than done. I’m not the expert, this topic has only been applied to my life recently and only after learning a hard lesson a year ago. We all must grow and learn. Sometimes it is in solitude. More recently, for me, it’s been in the company of others.

The most amazing thing about this concept, is its applicability to the individual. I hope this finds you wherever you are life. That it may help you to see others as valuable as you see yourself or unlock a hidden strength you didn’t know was there. The days of quarantine and isolation might be behind us sooner rather than later. It will take some reconditioning to trust people again. May we all be able to look each other in the eyes again and see piece of ourselves we can trust. If you need help or practice reaching out. If you have no one to reach out too, reach out to me. I’m consistently surprised that those we think were helping, are helping us. Ill take the first step in saying, I need you.

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